Professor J. Moroe, Consul General of South Africa in Lagos, Nigeria in collaboration with Brand South Africa and South African Tourism hosted Global South Africans reception in Nigeria on 1 July 2023.
The Global South Africans (GSA) is a project led by Brand South Africa to enlist the talent, experience and credibility of South Africans living abroad, permanently or temporarily, to help realise the promise South Africa demonstrated in the “miracle” of 1994 and the National Development Plan (Vision 2030).
The reception consisted of Proudly South African inspired celebration, quiz-show with prizes, and open discussions with South African citizens / organisations based in Nigeria, Lagos on their experience in their adopted country and including the cultural differences between South Africa and Nigeria.
Theme: Celebrating Nelson Mandela Month and South Africa’s Mementoes Since the Dawn of Democracy
Dress Code: Sports Regalia/Casual.
Take a look on how it went down.
View Here!!
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